I met with a trainer at my gym last week for a fitness evaluation. We assessed my current…situation…and compared it with my goals. He punched a bunch of numbers into a little doohicky and came out with my current BMI and my goal BMI, and predicted that at an average weight loss of 1.5 lbs/week I would hit my goal weight in about six months.
That pretty much blew any plans I had for losing twenty pounds by the end of the month.
I did not join my gym’s training program because it is rediculously expensive. I mean, come on. One half hour with trainer costs more than the monthly fee to use the gym and the childcare center combined. Plus, you have to “join” the training program like a seperate membership, and pay a one time fee of 149 bucks. Even if I had that kind of cash I wouldn’t join based on principle.
If you truly want people to be healthy, then make it possible for them to get help.
Anyhow, the trainer I met with gave me enough information to put together my own plan. I will start each day lifting weights, then wrap up with 20-30 minutes of cardio. He says if you lift weights first, the calories you burn while doing cardio are more likely to come out of your fat. Whatever. I have no idea how anybody knows that.
This morning my legs hurt from lifting leg weights on Monday, and my arms, back, and chest are sore from lifting those weights yesterday. Today I’m supposed to work on strengthening my core, and I’m terrified that by tonight every muscle in my body will be groaning and I will have to use my teeth to cook dinner and do the laundry.
I believe I once made dinner, cleaned a toilet and emptied the dishwasher all with my left pinky finger after a particularly harrowing Guts ‘n Butts class.
Good luck…I recommend not using a wooden spoon if cooking with your teeth…besides the splintering there’s that grizzly chill that runs through every nerve in your already over-extended pain network…you know the feeling I’m talking about…the one that comes from biting down on wooden utensils and popsicle sticks.
I can FEEL the pounds coming off you. You’re looking HOT.
OK, so I did subscribe to the REDICULOUSLY expensive personal training program. I suffer every 18th of the month, but realize that for me, it’s worth it and I have not one wit of principle about me…so I proudly pay for my hour/week. Is it July yet?
LOL – sorry, Heidi! Didn’t mean to put you on the spot!