The song Stereo Hearts shuffled into the mix today – that’s the one where Adam Levine sings the hook. These lyrics jumped out at me:
Furthermore, I apologize for any skipping tracks
It’s just the last girl that played me left a couple cracks
I used to, used to, used to, used to, now I’m over that
‘Cause holding grudges over love is ancient artifacts
These lyrics caught my attention because of 1) people around me who are hurting, and 2) people around me who are inconsiderate of hurting people.
It’s just the last church that played me left a couple cracks.
1) People who are hurting.
Please guard your vulnerability. Don’t close it off or shut it down, but guard it carefully. I recently saw Brene Brown interview with Chase Jarvis and she talked about her List. She carries a list in her wallet of people whose opinion matters to her, and when she starts to feel the weight of criticism and shame from others, she pulls out her list to remember who her Truth-tellers are.
If you have been hurt by someone and choose to tell your story, there will be some people who don’t believe you, who don’t think it’s that big a deal, who think you’re crazy, and/or think you should just let it go or otherwise be quiet about it.
If these people are not in the trenches with you or on your List of trusted Truth tellers, fight for your sanity and let go of their criticisms.
If you’re hurting, your record is gonna gonna gonna gonna skip a little for awhile, and some people just won’t get it.
2) People who are inconsiderate of hurting people.
Stop it.
Just… stop it.
Stop telling people that it’s gossip to share their personal story.
Stop cultivating a culture of shame and suspicion around people who are hurting.
Stop dismissing the pain hurting people feel without listening to their story first hand.
Stop assuming that hurting people have a divisive agenda.
Stop minimizing the pain of hurting people by explaining away the circumstances of their experience.
If you are in the presence of a hurting person, you have the opportunity to:
show compassion,
express empathy,
point them to the healing work of Jesus and his holy spirit,
…and shut up about everything else.
If you overhear the story of someone’s pain, you have the opportunity to:
call or write that person to ask how they’re doing,
show compassion,
express empathy,
point them to the healing work of Jesus and his holy spirit,
…and shut up about everything else.
Hurting people are gonna gonna gonna gonna skip a little for awhile. What they need most is your patience and presence while the cracks smooth out.
Here’s the Brene Brown video in full (with Bryan being a total fanboi in the front row):