Parenting Has Taught Me That BRIBING WORKS.

de-lurking week button

Hey, I just found out at Notes from the Trenches that it’s de-lurking week! Since I have nothing important to say, why don’t you come out of the shadows to say hello? Still not motivated to unveil yourself? I’ll throw in a prize: Anyone who comments by the end of Friday will be entered into a random drawing for a DOUBLE CD mix I just created – over two hours of music enjoyment!

8 thoughts on “Parenting Has Taught Me That BRIBING WORKS.”

  1. love that badge! I’m so going to start using the Bush-attack. If you don’t put the dishes away, you’re not patriotic. If you don’t finally put the pumpkins in the yard waste bin, you’re letting the terrorists win.

  2. Out of lurking…although I did send comments about the piece you wrote a few weeks back…when you asked for feedback…found your blog through Heather Goodmanson!

  3. I’m not a complete stranger, but nevertheless….hello! I was thinking about you this week as we plan another trip up to the Seattle area (to start getting a grandmother’s house ready to sell). Hopefully the snow is largely gone by then. Anyway, thanks again for being so encouraging to a new mama and someone struggling (always, it seems) to reconcile my mind and my heart.

  4. Hi there,
    I’m not really a lurker here- I probably post more here than anywhere, but here goes: “Hi!” (yes, I want the CD!)
    Thanks for blogging, Jen. I enjoy reading all your posts – they resonate so well with me.
    Enjoy the snow – second day here of no school, and we’re actually really enjoying it. I have no snow pants for either of my children, either. I was feeling the same way – If I go buy them, it will stop.
    Hey – maybe that ‘s how I can guarantee a springtime!

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