Bryan and I both enjoy making music mixes, and over the years people have asked us where we find our music. I will now let you in on our little secret…
For the last few years we have subscribed to Paste Magazine, which is an awesome music/movie/culture publication that actually includes a CD with each issue. We have somewhere around 36 or 37 CD mixes from Paste at this point, and we have loved discovering new music this way.
We also have an awesome local indie radio station, KEXP, which not only plays great music, but they have a kick ass website (and you can listen online if you are not local). On many occasions I’ll be driving around town and hear a great song, note the time it played, then check online when I get home to catch the name. I’ve gone back as far as a week to find a song, and they still have it catalogued. This is how I first discovered Thievery Corporation, Luna, and Bishop Allen.
We also may hear a song in a movie and check out the soundtrack, or we get recommendations from friends of what they’re listening to. I always have a playlist going in my iTunes folder called ‘new music’ where I dump songs I purchase for ninety-nine cents a pop.
Recently, one of my online friends started a new mp3 blog called goodnight believer. I didn’t know there was such a thing as an mp3 blog, but he links to others and I’ve checked them out, too. Now I tune in every morning to goodnight believer while I’m making coffee and the kids are crunching cereal. Thomas indicates his song approval by bobbing his head to the beat while throwing back his pint of milk.
So that’s how we do it. How do you find good music? What are your latest discoveries?
Honestly, all my current good music is from the mix you made me and from one my husband made me. I stink at finding new tunes. Hooray for hip-tuney friends who share!
Thanks for the blog props! I haven’t had a lot of feedback on the blog, but at least I know someone is reading it.