CPSIA, or How to Lose Your Small Business and the Shirt Off Your Back – Mommy Needs a Cocktail
I hate to belabor the lead testing point any further – particularly since I first mentioned it right down there, below this post, the one I wrote seven whole days ago – but the whole thing is just so ridiculous I think it deserves another rant. I’ve appointed Kristin to Secretary of Legal Interpretation because she knows what all this means and (more importantly) can break it down to it’s logical conclusion. Also, she’s selling all her kids and baby tee’s at a greatly reduced price to unload her lead-free shirts because she can’t afford to have them tested for lead.
Handpicked book recommendations – flashlightworthybooks.com
This link found me through twitter, and continually updates with new book lists every day. Maybe you’re in a book club? Or like Mad Men? Or enjoy mysteries? I’ll bet you can find a good book here.
Volatile Markets? Try Lady Gaga to Calm Down – NPR’s All Things Considered
Heard this in the car and thought it was interesting. A professor of finance and risk engineering (???) studied 50 years of pop music and found a correlation between financial market trends and popular music – the more dreadful the market, the greater desire for music with a steady, consistent beat. Sounds a little out there, but I actually think I get it.
New About Page – Thispile.com
Shameless self promotion, but I updated my sidebar and about page, so if you read me through RSS check it out!