I’m not going to Blogher this year. At first I wasn’t phased by this reality, since it really wasn’t practical for me financially or logistically anyway. I was willing to accept that.
But then the BlogHer chatter on the internet started pulling at my Poor Me strings this week. I have kept in touch this year with many women I met at BlogHer 2006, and meeting up with them again would be dangerously fun in a Not Sleeping for Three Days kind of way. I’m trying to get past that left-out feeling, because I know I am not being excluded in spirit. I just won’t be present in body.
But ya’ll better get on the IM and give me a shout out once in awhile!
As further torture I checked out the sessions today, and these are the ones that looked interesting to me:
Digital Exhibitionists or Chroniclers of their Time: Will Naked Bloggers Make History?
Technical Tools to Build Traffic (because I still don’t understand Feedburner) or The Art of Writing Reviews
The State of the Momospehere (though I’m tired of hearing about it)
On a whim, I just now checked Travelocity for flight information, just in case I could convince Bryan that it would be a good idea for me to take a red-eye to Chicago tonight. But that won’t be happening for less than $900.
Foiled. Oh well.
On the bright side, tomorrow is my sixth wedding anniversary, which is definitely cause for celebration and reason to not take a red-eye to Chicago tonight. I just might get laid.
If it makes you feel any better, I wanted to go to Blogher too, but I’m broke and couldn’t afford to shell out for a plane ticket. And my chances of getting laid this weekend are very, very slim.
I would have totally gone to the session about naked blogging…