Things to Remember

I have discovered that when Bryan is gone I act like I have no reason to get out of bed in the morning. I mope, I drag my feet, and we either spend four days in our pajamas or we leave the house at 9 and don’t return until 9 – both of which make me cranky.

Today I took the kids to a play date with actual grown-ups involved, and we have friends coming over for dinner tonight. Suddenly, I am light on my feet and flitting about the house, happily singing as I clean like I’ve never cleaned before.

Yes, today I have something to look forward to, and I’m not too overwhelmed by an over scheduled day to enjoy it. Not to mention I am cooking an actual meal for these people instead of tossing a few crumbs at my children and feeding myself energy bars.

I like this thing they call Balance. It makes me not cranky.

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