Pierce Pettis
Pierce has headlined the last couple of years at the music festival/camping trip we take annually in the San Juan Islands. If you feel like sipping a glass of wine on a cloudy day, check out some of his music. His voice is soothing, he’s a great storyteller, and his combination of interesting guitar chords is amazing. Every year at the festival he teaches a workshop on alternate guitar tunings. He’s also a hilarious rambler between songs, which I captured in this short video at the festival.
One Change
I met Mollie, the editor of One Change, at BlogHer. The tagline of her site is “Making One Change at a Time,” and I instantly knew I had to bookmark the site. It’s all about making changes to live a greener, more organic, more environmentally friendly life. I liked her One Change mentality because I was just recently having a discussion with a friend about how ridiculous I felt paying $5 for a gallon of organic milk when nothing else I bought was organic. In my mind I felt my commitment to organic living had to be all or nothing, or else I was a hypocrite. Even though she is totally hard core about her lifestyle, I don’t sense any judgement in the tone of her writing, even when it comes to the waste and excess of conferences. I especially liked her article on Mowing Your Lawn because Bryan and I get into at least one fight each summer over the reel mower we own (I love it, he hates it). She also has a great article on reducing waste by becoming more content – a thoughtful and convicting piece about what our stuff does to us, both personally and as a People.
Spell with Flickr
I don’t know what this is, exactly, or how it works, but it’s pretty fun to play around with! Just type in a word or phrase and it generates some pretty cool images. Here’s my name. Every time you refresh the screen the letters change.
Illustration Friday
I found this site through Secret Agent Josephine, and it’s really cool if you like to browse art, or if you’re an artist looking for somewhere to show your work. Each week a different theme is chosen, and artists then submit their works of art interpreting that theme. I had considered submitting a photo or two, but it looks like they limit submissions to illustrations. Hense the illustrationfriday title, I suppose. I’m slow to catch on, but I get there eventually.
Spell with flickr uses the letters that members of the flickr group One Letter have submitted to write words. It’s pretty neat.