It’s been a crazy weekend, but it’s time to get back to some respectable blogging again.
Now that summer is ending and preschool starts next week, I’m entertaining that nasty S word again: STRUCTURE. I figure maybe I’ll add things into my week slowly – like one new thing each week – that way I don’t experience the depressing crash after the manic high of organization. I’m hoping to be more successful that way.
So this week I added in Library Day. This morning we donned our rain slickers and rain boots and walked four blocks to our local library where the kids picked out new picture books and I chose some yoga videos. I also checked out Winnie the Pooh with the intention of reading a chapter each day to the kids – so I guess that’s actually two things I added this week.
I’ve tried having a Library Day in the past, and only ended up incurring high fines for overdue books because I never managed to make it back again. This time I made a commitment to the idea by putting the event on my calendar, and for some reason this is more like marriage to me instead of just living together.
I’ll let you know how it goes.