O Happy Day!

Last week a package was delivered to my home. When I looked at the address I realized it was from a Seattle friend who is currently living in Connecticut, and my heart sang.

My day had been horrible – I had a cold and woke up at 3:30 am because I couldn’t breathe, and was a little short with the kids because of it. When I received a gracious and generous gift from a friend it completely diffused my bad attitude.

In the package was an adorable softy that she had made, a couple books that I assume she loves and felt I would enjoy reading, and a project pack for Ruthie to create all sorts of things.

I will have fun reading, and Ruthie will have fun creating.

Thank you Dacia!

p.s you should read her blog!

Dacia's gift

2 thoughts on “O Happy Day!”

  1. I love recieving packages in the mail. I know that they are always a blessing to my day, especially if they’ve been sent my a friend.

    Besides, they’re also a nice change from those boring old bills that have to be paid.

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