I’m so forever in love with Muxtape.com. Even though my last mix was accidentally deleted by a software error, I’m still a fan. Because really, how fair would it be for me to put up with all the consistent Twitter outages, only to slam Muxtape for one mistake? They seem to be on the ball with more frequent back-ups, so I’m still on their side.
To listen to my latest mix, click here (remember to open in a different window or tab), then come back to check out the song list. As before, the mix will be available to listen to for a limited time only. But if you like it, leave a comment for a chance to win the mix on a CD. Contest ends Sunday at noon, and the winner will be drawn randomly.
Thievery Corporation – Warning Shots
I first heard this song on KEXP a long time ago while driving in the car – it was the first time I ever downloaded a song after looking it up on the station’s playlist. I love it when I can get Ruthie to sing, “AND IN COMES THE TWO TO THE THREE AND ONE, AND IN COMES THE TWO TO THE THREE AND ONE…”
Mocean Worker – Only the Shadow Knows
We have two albums by Mocean Worker – Enter the Mowo, and Cinco de Mowo! – and they’re both favorites. They’re jazzy and festive, and we usually end up playing them at parties or on weekends when we’re all hanging out in the kitchen together. You should really buy one of these albums.
Blind Boys of Alabama – Way Down in the Hole
I have an entire post to write about watching thirteen episodes of HBO’s The Wire over Memorial Day weekend, how we stayed up until 1am to fit it all in AND still be outside in the sun all day. This was the opening credits song, and we never fast forwarded through it.
Poncho Sanchez – Watermelon Man
I have no idea where this song came from – only that Bryan just started playing it one day. It makes me happy, and it makes my kids dance.
Bishop Allen – Click Click Click Click
I heard this song on KEXP, and it became the theme song to the first of (hopefully) many slide shows done of Ruthie’s pictures.
Katy Bowser – All of My Friends
I think Katy has to be one of the sweetest people I’ve never met – she sings every year at a summer music festival we go to and she’s one of the highlights for me. Her voice and sweetness sound like the radio singers from the forties.
The Parson Red Heads – Out to Sea
I heard this on KCRW.com, and listened to a sample of the album on iTunes. This was the stand-out tune for me. Maybe because it reminds me of the Grateful Dead’s Uncle John’s Band? I don’t know why I just said that – it’s just a feeling in my gut.
M83 – Graveyard Girl
This came off our latest Paste Magazine music sampler. It massages me with the 80’s without causing me to relive that horrible prom night hair spray incident.
Cloud Cult – Chemicals Collide
Stop what you’re doing RIGHT NOW and buy this album – The Meaning of 8. I love every song on it, and so should you.
My Morning Jacket – I’m Amazed
Bryan and I really liked their last album, particularly the single, Gideon. This is a single off their yet-to-be-released new album. If you can figure out what he’s saying, you’ll be curious about the worship-nature of the song.
Moby – I’m in Love
I’ve always been a Moby fan – I just sometimes forget it. I heard him interviewed on KCRW.com, and he talked about his first love: DJ-ing for a crowd of 150 in a club. It’s what he prefers over concert tours played for thousands.
Tom Baxter – Skybound
I first heard of him last year through someone’s blog (I can’t remember now), and fell in love with his very mushy Better. Just a few weeks ago I heard this breathy song on KCRW.com and recognized his voice. It’s a pretty song, and I love its theme of just putting one foot in front of the other.
*I know – completely lacking in creativity.
Completely random factoid: I danced salsa with a friend at a Poncho Sanchez concert at the headquarters for Southern California Edison (local utility). We weren’t supposed to be there (employees only) but another friend got us free passes. The food was pretty good too.
My M83 obsession knows no bounds at the moment! Nice choices, Jen – I’ll have to check the ones I don’t know (most of them) out.
Thanks for the tasty suggestions. BTW – found you by Googling, “AND IN COMES THE TWO TO THE THREE AND ONE.”