Lunch or Dinner: Curry Chicken Salad

Red Curry Chicken SaladA friend made this salad a couple years ago for the sort of outdoor concert you bring a picnic dinner to and sit on a sweeping green lawn. It’s become one of our summer favorites because it’s everything you want in a summer dinner: fast, easy, one-dish, few ingredients, and chilled.

I must warn you that with this recipe, as usual, I kind of throw ingredients together without really measuring. You may have to adjust to suit your taste, as I’m just guessing here…

Curry Chicken Salad

  • 4-5 boiled or broiled chicken breasts
  • Halved red grapes
  • Slivered almonds – toasted or dry roasted
  • Light Mayo (I don’t know, like 1/2 cup maybe?)
  • Curry Powder to taste (start with 1T and go from there)
  • Salt
  • Pepper

Cool Chicken, dice, and add to a large bowl. Mix mayo, curry powder, salt and pepper together, and add to chicken along with grapes and almonds. Chill.

If you have a family of big eaters, this may be more of a lunch dish for you, since all that chicken can get expensive. But this summer I tried serving it over a bed of lettuce to help fill it out, along with slices of cantaloupe on the side, and Bryan said it was very filling.

3 thoughts on “Lunch or Dinner: Curry Chicken Salad”

  1. OOh – I got the same recipe-ish from the secretary at work. She used the canned turkey from Costco, and it’s great! (and much cheaper). I’ve also added craisins, and used pecans instead of almonds. Sooo good.

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