Bryan’s flight was supposed to leave San Jose at 5:30pm, but it was delayed due to high winds in Seattle. They boarded the plane an hour late, then they de-planed again to wait another two hours. Then at 9pm he called to tell me they were boarded and about to depart – he tells me this while I’m lying in bed on the second floor of my house feeling it shake shake shake in the gusty wind. And I’m calculating in my mind that his flight is due to arrive in Seattle right about the time the worst of the storm is supposed to hit, and I’m like, WTF? And he’s like, Don’t worry, we have life insurance. And I’m like, ha ha you’re so funny. And he’s like, don’t worry about it, they know what they’re doing, and they have radars and stuff. And I’m like, whatever.
So now I’m sitting here watching the Alaska Air flight tracker that tells me the plane is in the area and about to land. AND MY HOUSE IS SHAKING. He’d better call as soon as those wheels touch down.
That was some storm…hope you all faired well…I think we are the only ones (are neighborhood) in Issaquah who have power. The gas station across the street is the only one with power…yesterday it had a line a mile long waiting to get gas. This morning at 6:30, the line was already building up. Hope they get the power on in Issaquah soon.
That’s the worst!! I become such a worry wart in times like those, and boy does my imagination escalate. It’s a bad scene…