Wine to Water
This organization discovered me through twitter. Doc Hendly started following me, I clicked through to his website, and discovered a cool organization that serves third world communities by helping them gain access to clean water. One of the ways they raise money is through wine tasting parties that raise awareness. Bryan and I have been talking about hosting a wine tasting party in our home just for fun, and this seems like a great way to do that and serve others. Win!
How to change – Tim Keller podcast
I was poking around the internet looking for a podcast to listen to while I cleaned the kitchen, and stumbled across some Tim Keller sermons on Sermon Cloud. This short one (33 minutes) encouraged me in very specific ways. If you are struggling with ongoing sin or know someone who is, Keller has some very hopeful things to say regarding change.
Growth is small, slow, and gradual, he reminds us. Growth can’t always be seen, but it can always be measured. You can’t watch a plant growing, but suddenly you notice one day it’s bigger. You can’t watch your child grow, but one morning he feels heavier or looks taller or can say more words or can suddenly spell “stop.”
Likewise, you may not feel like you’re growing spiritually, then one day something may happen and you think to yourself, Man, a couple years ago I never could have done that, I never could have been this patient, I never could have had this kind of self control. When we have the spirit of God in our life, we will change – it’s inevitable. We will worry less, become more patient, face our troubles gracefully, be more loving, etc.
I found this to be incredibly hopeful, both for myself and for others I know. When all I can see is the moment I forget that God sees the future, that he is timeless, that his spirit in us is not dead or decayed, but alive and growing.