open tape – online mixtapes
It was like The Day The Music Died when Muxtape was shut down by the RIAA. I had three mixes in the queue at the time, and no way to share them on my blog. Bryan told me about Open Tape, which looks and plays exactly like Muxtape, yet vehemently denies being associated with them. Hmmm…. For sure, I’m not complaining, just smirking along with them! As soon as I get a free moment (!!!) I plan to get another mix posted.
Commercials from around the globe – Schmutzie’s Milkmoney
My favorite is the speaker commercial with the bunny and the bear.
Customized Silhouette tshirts – by Inhabitots
My friend Amy Letinsky sent me this link, and it looks like a fun crafty project.
Randy Stewart’s Flickr photostream
Whenever I am around Randy Stewart’s camera, beautiful things happen.
Thanks for the shout out!