Friday Link Love

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Meditations on an Insulin Pump – Practical Theology for Women
“the greatness of the treasure isn’t marred by the fragility of the vessel”

The C-word – Finslippy
“why do we feel that in order for our opinion to be right, we have to make sure that everyone who feels differently is wrong? ”

In Defense of Conservative Blogging – Mandajuice
“First, and most important, is that you will never catch me in the business of trying to change someone’s mind about politics. The ONLY reason I even hazard to bring it up here on my boob-juice blog is because it bothers me that there are so few conservative mommy-bloggers out there. And then I hit myself upside the head and think DUH – there probably ARE at least some of us out there, we’re just so used to being the minority that we mostly shut up and play dead.”

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