Four people, one dog, seven checked bags, six carry-ons, and a partridge in a pear tree: Merry Christmas, California!

This morning it occurred to me, as I observed my daughter at the airport security check point, that this is the third time this year we have traveled by airplane with the kids. I was thinking of this because Ruthie walked right up to the x-ray machine, took her shoes off, and put them in a bucket to be sent through – no direction needed.

Not every kid knows what to do when at an airport security check point, but apparently mine do. I guess it’s the natural consequence of living far away from grandparents.

I think Bryan’s dad has in mind that we should stay here forever, which is exactly what Thomas and Ruthie keep asking. He and his wife, Marilyn, set up their pull-behind camper next to the house, fully hooked it up, and stocked it with wine, beer, and a bunch of other stuff I didn’t notice after I saw the wine. It’s even decorated for Christmas with lights on the outside, a tiny Christmas tree, and stockings with our names on them.

And to boot, there is a brand new swing set in the yard and, like, an acre of land to be explored.

Ruthie keeps asking, “Is this our new house?” and “Can we stay here forever?”

To which I say, “As long as the wifi reaches out to the camper and the wine continues to flow, I just might consider it.”

4 thoughts on “Four people, one dog, seven checked bags, six carry-ons, and a partridge in a pear tree: Merry Christmas, California!”

  1. We’re the crazy ones who are DRIVING with our two kids from Seattle to California…we leave Saturday so pray we don’t kill the kids, and I don’t mean in a car accident…maybe we’ll see you guys at Disneyland! Merry Christmas…

  2. it’s probably really tricky to travel with kids, but i’m so thankful my parents did when i was young. it sounds like visits to grandparents with cool campers and swingsets will make for great memories for your kids to look back on later.

  3. I should have looked this site up before I kept calling you at home to find out all about your Christmas in CA!! Gosh, I can’t imagine the fun for everyone to have a camper as their own home when visiting grandparents!! how can I measure up to that? i loved to see the pictures of Mike and Jake playing the Guitar Hero as I had already watched Kara strumming wonderfully on her Guitar Hero along in rhythm to the music and action on TV and then taking a turn at it myself!! Now i’ve got rhythm and an ear for what’s good music and I was TERRIBLE – always a beat or two behind and a lack of when to strum – or not!! It was humbling! I am SO aware of my long chatter with all the other short ones – especially your sister’s!!
    See you in March!!

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