With all the fancy cooking I do (or at least that I’m capable of doing), every once in awhile Bryan says, “We haven’t had any kind of grilled meat with just salt and pepper lately.”
For his simple tastes, I’m thankful – especially on nights like these when my dinner plans change unexpectedly and I have to come up with something quick after being gone all day. So I pulled these pork loin chops out of the freezer, defrosted them in the microwave, and broiled them with salt and pepper.
So easy I took a short nap while I did it.
True, with solid hunks of meat you don’t get as much bang for your buck budget-wise, but there are deals to be had out there. I picked up a pack of these really thick loin chops in the “clearance” section of the meat department, marked down for a quick sale. They were $8.62 for four chops, but they are super thick. I’ll eat half of one, and my kids will eat half of the other half (they eat NOTHING. I’m surprised they survive on what they do). We’ll even have an extra for Bryan’s lunch tomorrow.
I served with steamed broccoli and a salad.