A good dog is hard to find.

Scout, Sept 11, 2002 – Nov 24, 2008

Scout, Sept 11, 2002 - Nov 24, 2008

We lost our dog, Scout, tonight. She passed away peacefully around 6pm, just after Bryan came home from work. He walked in the door, she smiled and wagged her tail a little at him, and then a few minutes later she was gone – as if she was waiting for him to come home.

She was sick over the weekend, and she hadn’t been herself for about a week before that. This afternoon I knew in my heart she was not going to make it. I don’t know how I knew – I just knew. I remember thinking I was afraid she would pass in the middle of the night without anyone around her. As it turns out, she was laying on the floor in the living room with me and the kids coming in for snuggles every few minutes, and when she passed we were all with her.

She was a great dog, a faithful friend, and a joy in our lives. She will be missed.

9 thoughts on “A good dog is hard to find.”

  1. So sorry Scout is gone. It sounds almost how Chatterboy left us in August. Hugs to you all, especially Ruthie and Thomas. May you know God’s peace and comfort, with many happy memories to treasure from the past, and hope of reunion and joy to propel you into the future…

  2. When I read this on Facebook, I got teary-eyed as I just loved that dog. I still remember how cute she was when she cocked her head at Don during our Sunday evening study last year. Like I said on Facebook, if I were to get another dog, she would be it. She was a definite family member and will be missed terribly.

  3. tears..I remember the week you got her and how she kept knocking Henry down.
    so sad. we just heard Job (our old dog that we gave to friends at MH) is dying too.
    praying for your heart… 🙁

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