The rhythm of discipline is producing the fruit of patience and tenacity. I earned every word I put together today, every paragraph and thought. I spent three hours on one essay, and was not discouraged or frustrated – I was pressing in to make it beautiful. I was creating, letting the inspiration flow through me, rather than trying to squeeze it out of a wet sock.
And in my mind I have turned the corner from thinking my three hours a week is a respite from the Everyday, sipping my wine as I tinker on my laptop. These days I feel the weight and seriousness of commitment, the satisfaction and reward of hard work, the challenge of stepping beyond the shitty first draft until I get it right.
I am maturing in my identity as a writer, and I am gaining momentum in the process.
Go! Go! Go! (That’s your cheering section, yelling for you as you come around the bend.)
This is very inspirational!!!
Also, wondering if you (or any of your thoughtful readers) would like to accompany me to this. First session thingy is Oct 12. I’m already going even if by myself…
See you soon!!