We flew into Salt Lake City tonight for the Sundance Film Festival where we’ll be live streaming and producing video at the Tweet House.
While standing in the baggage claim Bryan goes, “Hey, there’s Ted from How I Met Your Mother.”
I watched a few people ask for his autograph, smile at him while he signed it, then walk away without really saying anything. What was I going to do with an autograph? Go home and show people my signed flight itinerary? #boring.
Besides. Fan Girl isn’t really my thing. I was MUCH more interested in his musical taste, anyway.
I don’t think it’s a mere coincidence that I JUST heard Josh Radnor’s interview on KCRW’s Guest DJ Project in which he featured one of my favorite bands that no one’s ever heard of – Cloud Cult.
Coincidences don’t just happen like that – I think Jesus wanted me to talk to Josh Radnor.
So I did.
“I heard your guest DJ Project on KCRW,” I said. “Cloud Cult is one of my favorite bands.”
I don’t recall if he said IS IT REALLY? exactly, but that was his sentiment. He was excited – the kind of excited you get when you love something totally obscure and you find out someone else not only knows what you’re talking about, but GETS it.
We talked about how awesome they are, and how weird we thought it was that KCRW never heard of them, and how PHENOMENAL their live shows are.
“I put one of their songs in my movie, Happythankyoumoreplease!” he said.
I’ve been thinking about that all evening – how Josh Radnor made the movie he wanted to make, and put the music he loves into it, and now people are going to know about Cloud Cult (as they should).
Reminds me a little of Zack Braff and his Garden State – loved the movie, LOVED the soundtrack. In fact, Let Go by Frou Frou is one of my favorite songs, and I heard it first on Garden State.
(I used it here as a soundtrack to a significant day.)
At any rate, here’s what Josh Radnor had to say about Cloud Cult in his KCRW interview:
The lead singer is a guy named Craig Minowa and he and his wife lost their child, a baby, when the kid was about one or two and most of their records have been a response to this grief….when I listen to the Arcade Fire I feel like the world is ending and Cloud Cult makes me feel like the world’s already ended and, like, now where do we go? Everything’s in shards and pieces on the ground and they’re building something new. It’s really like this transformative experience listening to them.
Yes, like the world already ended – now what? I feel that way most of the time, which is probably why I love that band.
But I digress – back to happy topics:
I had a conversation with Josh Radnor today in baggage claim.
The live feed:
That is awesome! As a side note I love that you introduced me to them. I was just thinking last night before I read or heard any of this that I need to get some Cloud Cult on my phone to listen to 🙂 We’ll discuss it when you guys get back. I still don’t understand how this contraption works. 😉 Enjoy the rest of your time there!
Great story. Cloud Cult is one of my favorite bands as well.
Why do I get this feeling that the Zugs are going to come back from Sundance with an “accidental” movie deal?
Also, completely agree on Cloud Cult. Great post.
Rad! Loved the tweets. 🙂
I love how you just sort of brushed over the fact that you’re at the Sundance Film Festival……helLO?!?!?