School’s out!
It’s my first summer without full time child care planned, and I’m as fresh and hopeful as Frodo leaving the shire with his little buddies to see a mountain about a ring. Who knows what kind of Gollum I’ll turn into by the end of August, but right now I’m happy about all the things!
Part of my summer plan involved self-directed activities for the kids in the morning while I worked, then we would get out of the house in the afternoon. I thought about calling the self-directed activities something really motivating and winsome, like “Summer School” or…. “Self-Directed Activities.”
And then I read this post by Kyran.
I slapped my forehead and thought, why am I such a curmudgeon?!
*mutters under breath about summer school*
We’re officially joining the Camp Whattewedo fun!
Below is a loose routine we plan to follow:
MONDAY: Creative Projects
TUESDAY: Swimming or Park
THURSDAY: Swimming or Park
FRIDAY: Field Trip!
This is, of course, subject to change depending on where our friends or whims lead us, but I wanted the kids to know there’s a basic plan so they can quit fretting about being bored.
If you have kids at home this summer, join me, Kyran, and others on twitter and instagram with the hashtag #WHATTAWEDO to share your summer fun, frustrations, appreciations, and inspirations. And stay tuned to Kyran’s Facebook page, where we’ll hang out and share progress (and disaster) reports weekly throughout the summer.