Heard this great essay on NPR last night about the bedroom secrets of the suburban Dad rivaling those of their single counterparts. It’s a funny read, but even funnier if you can listen to it. Here’s an excerpt:
You think it’s hard to get the attention of a woman in a bar? Puh-leeze.
These guys have to convince a woman who has fallen asleep in her clothes reading Thomas the Tank Engine stories that what she really wants right now is some midnight romance under the giant pile of laundry covering the master bed.
So, so funny, and so, so true. To read (or listen) the rest, click here.
so so funny, so so true!!!!!
ok, now I feel really strange…I just commented the exact same way you did, and I just now read beyond the statement you heard on NPR! It really must be so so funny, so so true!
I heard this too and spent the whole weekend trying to convey how true and hilarious this is to my husband. Thanks for the link!