My Garden Therapy has yielded results! I’ve never been happy with the bare ground under our dogwood tree. There had been a hosta to the left, but it never did well so I divided it and moved it to another part of the yard. Last summer I had also planted some alyssum as a border in front of the tree, but they didn’t get enough sun, either, and never filled out.
While my dad was putting in the new drip system I transplanted my two rosemary plants from the pots I carted around during my apartment-living days, and placed them in a nice, sunny, south facing spot on the other side of the tree. In front of the tree I planted a drift of five astilbe which will produce pretty pink feathery plumes all summer. And back by the fence I transplanted a few Jacob’s Ladders from an over crowded spot. They’re ferns that will shoot up blue spires. At the very base of the tree I planted some ground cover to help keep the soil moist.
As soon as I get everything planted in other parts of the garden, I will have a chance to secure the black tubing with some wire and hide it under the dirt.
I’m so excited and feel so productive!
p.s. do you see the five month dead Christmas tree in the background??? Perhaps I’m trying to beat the record?