1. Santa runs a racist sweatshop based on the recruiting style of the KKK.
2. Searching for lost little reindeer is “man’s work.”
3. Hermie’s expressed wish to be a dentist is a metaphor for coming out of the closet.
4. Yukon Cornelius needs a woman.
5. The way Mrs. Claus keeps stuffing Santa with food, he’s going to be dead from hypertension, high cholesterol, or diabetes before next year.
Ha ha ha ha!
On a completely unrelated note, I saw you mention on Jenny’s blog that you make coconut bon bons. Must. Have. Recipe. Please please please!
oh, ya, post that recipe!
I agree–this is the great part of Christmas; watching all those old Christmas kid movies to find out what unrequited desires are really lying under the surface. Brainwashers!