The Evolution of my Assumptions

We have two rooms in our house that we rent out because we are crazy people who like to display our imperfect humanity like monkeys at the zoo.

These rooms are not in a separate dwelling, but situated in the main part of our home. We share a bathroom, we share a kitchen, and Ruthie distributes an equal amount of love to all. Whoever chooses to enter this crazy domain is warned in advance that they will, eventually, become a part of this family.

Even if it’s through kicking and screaming.

In the past we’ve had female renters. But as it worked out, the current occupants are two single guys. One just moved in this weekend.

Knowing that single guys often cut corners in such areas as food preparation and personal hygiene, I mentioned to our newest renter that he could use our bath towels if he didn’t have any of his own.

Much to my surprise and glee, he says to me, “I have my own towels, but I’ll just use yours to keep the color scheme of your bathroom consistent.”

Who knew The Male could be so observant?

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