I recently had lunch with Amy Balliett, co-founder of Killer Infographics. It was great to meet another female business owner and get a little pep talk from someone who is now experiencing growth, but started out struggling, just like anyone else.
It was just what I needed.
Earlier this year I realized I make an extremely unlikely CEO. I took a talent insight assessment test to map my behavior and motivators, and it revealed that I’m a very passionate person who is loyal to a great leader and/or a great cause.
In other words, I follow well.
But instead of feeling discouraged by this epiphany, I found it to be a huge relief. It explained why I kept waiting around for someone else to tell me what to do next to grow the business — I was that someone else!
The assessment also helped me understand my strengths, and now I’m on a mission to improve my areas of weakness.

“The two most important attributes of effective leaders are their abilities to predict and to delegate.”
This quote is from Verne Harnish in, Mastering the Rockefeller Habits, a book that Amy recommend I read.
Turns out that I’m terrible at both of those things. I’m a control freak, and I prefer observation over prediction.
But the ability to predict and delegate is not an impossible thing for me to learn, and maybe my first big act of delegation is to give someone else the job of predicting!
The point is, I’m passionate about helping people and businesses tell their stories, and I love running a small business with people I love. With my strengths shored up, I’m ready to tackle the learning curve so I can be who I am and do what I love, successfully.
Many thanks to Amy for her pep talk, and to Shandel at True Life Coaching, who provided the talent insights assessment and interpretation.