It was Tuesday, and Bryan surprised me with tickets to Mike Doughty at Neumos.

I knew we’d be up late, but I got a little wide-eyed when I saw what time he’d be on stage. You see, on most nights around 10:15, I’ve already fallen asleep in the middle of a 30Rock episode.

But thanks to a yummy drink (or two) at the Lobby Bar and a street vendor hot dog, I stayed awake.
AND we scored this awesome wide open vantage point from the side, because standing on my toes to see over the 6 foot tall guy blocking my view and elbowing the drunk chick out of my personal space is SO 10 years ago was never my thing.

And THEN Bryan spotted Little Miss Sunshine – that chick in the front row who looks like she’s plotting twenty five ways to castrate her boyfriend.
Lighten up, honey. It’s a rock show, and you have the best seat in the house!
Shortly after I snapped this photo, she pulled her phone out and started texting. When Mike Doughty saw this, he reached down, grabbed her phone, and shoved it in his back pocket.
Reason #42 why that man is brilliant.