I think I’ve officially spilled over the edge into Manic Organization Mode, considering I just spent an entire nap making chore charts for Ruthie. Watch out, I just might become a home schooler.
Ruthie will get stickers each day she completes the chores and is generally respectful, kind, and fun, and she will learn a new Bible verse every two weeks. I’m trying to decide whether she should get an extra special treat if she fills in all (or most) of her stickers at the end of 14 days. Any suggestions on how to work that?
I made the chart using legal sized printer paper, and have a template I can just trace when I need a new one. It is simply taped to the pink card stock so I can easily switch to the new chart at the end of fourteen days.
Also, Ruthie woke up and colored next to me while I finished the chart, and now both kids are sitting with me as I write this post. All this happy togetherness is making my uterus twitch!
[p.s. – thanks to my friend, Sarah, for the Be Kind, Be Respectful, and Be Fun to Be Around goals!]