Bryan has been in San Jose all week launching a new project at a new job, and I think I over scheduled the kids and I in an attempt to keep busy while he is gone. I have been so out of my routine that I haven’t bought groceries, cleaned, or done any laundry, and he comes home tomorrow. I really don’t want him coming home to clutter, dust bunnies, and an empty refrigerator, so I need to somehow find the oomph to get into gear.
On a positive note, I was anticipating a rough week of long days and impatience with the kids, but we have had a great time.
I also returned to The Greatest Chiropractor in the World who fixed my twisted spine of stress. I have been waking up around 5:00 or 6:00 each morning in excruciating pain and stiffness from the night. I had seen a different chiropractor for this condition for a couple months back in November, but I always came home still feeling pain and stiffness. One session with The Greatest Chiropractor in the World and I am feeling much better, and this morning I slept until 7:30! So he is worth the effort to get to his office in another town.
Yeah I had to stay home from play group because I just needed to do laundry plain and simple.
Glad you are having a great time this week!