Lunch Today: Couscous with tomato, feta, and cucumber

couscous with feta, tomato and cucumberFirst of all, someone needs to tell me what couscous is, exactly. I thought it was a pasta until my friend brought this salad to a picnic at the park and I was all, “Guess that South Beach Diet didn’t last long, DID IT?!” And she was all up in my face about how it was a recipe FROM THE SOUTH BEACH DIET COOKBOOK.

This is a light lunch that I have just about as much as the OTHER lunch I make containing tomato, feta, and cucumber. Are you sensing a theme in my lunch habits?

Anyhow, here’s how you make it…

Add salt to 1 1/2 cups of water, and bring to a boil.
Add 1T butter/margarine*
Add 1 cup couscous

Stir, then cover and remove from heat. Let stand five minutes.

Add one diced cucumber, one diced tomato, and feta to taste (about 1/4 – 1/3 cup)
Sprinkle with the juice of 1 lemon
Mix it all together.

(it’s best when chilled).

*This is probably optional, though it may help to keep couscous from getting clumpy

4 thoughts on “Lunch Today: Couscous with tomato, feta, and cucumber”

  1. it’s a pasta. you were right. maybe it has enough protein to balance it out??? Love it though.

  2. we love couscous here at the Letinsky household. Having a husband who lived in Israel sees to that.

    Instead of the butter, I like using olive oil. I don’t tend to use it in the cooking process but mix it in after with the later ingredients.

    Another great way to serve it is with white fish, cod is my favorite. Trader Joes has whole wheat couscous that we use all the time for this. I fry some garlic and onion in olive oil, then stir in a can of diced tomatoes with liquid, along with fresh parsley and oregano, and white wine. I put white fish fillets on top the brew and simmer until it’s all cooked, then serve atop the couscous. Yummy.

  3. I love anything with tomato/cucumber/feta. Fresh mint would be a nice addition to the couscous, me thinks… My snack today, in fact, was leftover homemade Greek salad. I could eat that just about every single day and the first night, when we had it with London Broil fresh off the barbeque (rubbed down first with a spicy/salty mix) it was PERFECT. Can you tell I love to talk about food? Almost as much as I love eating it…

  4. I love couscous and especially the fact that it’s easy to cook in large or small amounts. And the Feta/cuke/tomato salad is always a good one. Love the white fish idea. I too use olive oil instead of butter most times. Lots of fresh parsley too. You can’t beat it no matter how you serve it — great with veggie curry on top too!!

    Your recipes are great.

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