Loop Hole

Because I’ve tried to turn off the TV and do more writing and reading I’ve been a little out of the loop regarding current events. Apparently the Boeing machinists strike has ended, Peter Jennings died, and Northwest Airlines has gone bankrupt.

These days I rely on the gossip magazines at the gym to keep me informed of all the Hollywood drama, but often their copies are outdated. I’m still reading about Brad and Jen’s divorce.

Today, however, I happened across a current US magazine while on the treadmill and learned that Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner were married and expecting a baby, like, yesterday.


Last I heard there were rumors of their relationship. Now I suddenly see pictures of her out to HERE with child and he’s packing up his poker table to baby proof the house.

I should have come up for air long ago. Is there anything else I should know about?

2 thoughts on “Loop Hole”

  1. Um yeah – Demi and Ashton supposedly tied the not a week ago. I love it that her eldest is only a tid younger than her new hubby. And, Bruce is all about it! Can I get a what-what for how open these celebrities are? –Dacia

  2. Um yeah – Demi and Ashton supposedly tied the not a week ago. I love it that her eldest is only a tid younger than her new hubby. And, Bruce is all about it! Can I get a what-what for how open these celebrities are? –Dacia

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