KOMO Blogger Meetup

Photo by l0ckergn0me.

I was invited to a blogger meetup last night at KOMO tv that Chris Pirillo helped organize. I was expecting to find the usual crowd of familiar faces that I see at these events, but was pleasantly surprised to meet some new people.

Elisabeth came with me – she is the administrator for Mars Hill’s network of blogs, and she found out just how difficult it is to say Vox Pop Network several times in a row when people can’t hear you (“Did you say, Box Top Network?”). I also met SJ from I, Asshole – who I think I may have met at Blogher 2006. Not sure, but after reading her About page this morning, I feel like I’ve heard her story before.

I also met the woman from Slumberland, the woman from Folly’s House of Mirth, Mike from Mount Rainier Climbing, and Elizabeth from A Wild Ride. When Elizabeth saw my Stay At Home Blogger t-shirt she asked if I had a ‘challenging child,’ and I nearly had beer spewing out my nose. Turns out her website is a resource for parents with challenging children! We exchanged business cards and she gave me some information on contributing stories to her site.

Looks like I’m getting the hang of this networking thing.

Funny story: This guy named Randy Stewart asked me about my Stay At Home Blogger t-shirt because he works from home and thought it would be really funny to have one. I gave him all the info and we started talking about other things, and we were talking for quite awhile. Then Karen Anderson joined our group and the two of them started talking about Ignite Seattle and how great the video presentations were that Bryan Zug did.

And I was like, ‘Uh… he’s my husband.’

And suddenly Randy was freaking out and tells me we actually met before at Northern Voice, and can’t get over the small world. He also took this great picture of my arm.

Even more funny, is when I came home to tell Bryan who I met: I mentioned meeting this energetic guy who used to work at Yahoo and thought my shirt was cool. Before I said his name, Bryan interrupts me and says, ‘You’re talking about Randy Stewart, aren’t you?’

Want to win something? If you click on the group photo above you can see a larger version of it. If you can spot me in the photo, send an email to jen at zugbot dot com describing where I am. I’ll draw randomly and send one person a mix CD from my collection.

4 thoughts on “KOMO Blogger Meetup”

  1. Hi, it was nice to meet you. You looked familiar from the minute I walked up. It’s great to know another local Blogher.

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