I’m still in ‘pause’ mode. The things I’ve been writing and thinking probably shouldn’t be posted on the internet – not because I’m plotting someone’s death or because I’m hiding something or because I’m suddenly not interested in showcasing my highly imperfect life in plain public view, but because I think hashing out our issues via my blog would be disrespectful to Bryan and very unproductive for both of us.
However, in the meantime I will entertain you because we all need a few laughs to lighten the mood when squabbling with our husbands.
Here are a few of the words and phrases people have entered into search engines this week that have resulted in traffic to thispile.com. My site’s rank in the search results is in parenthesis:
1. free sex stories that involve foot massages (10th)
2. sexy longs toenails (9th)
3. how does it feel to be always together yet forever apart+mint royale (9th)
4. sprinkles teenage (4th & 5th)
5. Christian Song about waking up in the morning eating Captain Crunch (5th)
6. Until Death Do Us Part like a child (14th)
7. lammott quotes (6th)
There has also been some fun and curious traffic to my site from people searching the word ‘fuck,’ but this occurred several weeks ago, and my traffic meter doesn’t have archives. Sigh.