I fear this may be one of those posts where the random passer by will yawn and move on to the next blog. To them it will the boring what-I-did-last-summer type essays. But this post isn’t for the random passer by – it’s for me. Part of why I write is to remember, and the next time I become frustrated with Bryan, or dissatisfied with the way something happens (or doesn’t happen), I want to remember this weekend.
On Friday night we had dinner with a few friends, then after they left and the kids were in bed we went downstairs to watch some t.v. As usual, Bryan fell asleep after thirty seconds. But an hour later he woke up with a second wind and we stayed up until 2am watching episodes of Entourage on HBO’s On Demand.
If you know Bryan, you know he’s more of an up-at-5am guy than a bed-at-2am guy. In fact, currently his head is thrown back on the couch and his mouth is gaping open, snoring. This is the second time he’s attempted to watch the same episode of Deadwood on HBO and fell asleep. At 9:30pm.
But Friday night, and again on Saturday night, we flirted, I giggled, we made out, we… well, you know. But it was FUN, and light-hearted, and SPONTANEOUS. And on Sunday night we got a babysitter and had Mai Tai’s in a hilarious tiki bar in Bellevue where we talked. And we listened to each other. And we trusted, just a little bit.
Despite any successes or failures in our household projects this weekend (we had both), it was one of the best weekends I’ve ever had, and I was reminded of the poem Bryan wrote me during one of his first weeks traveling to Palo Alto. The way we loved each other this weekend was another way I’ve seen Grace Sneak In to our relationship.
Grace sneaks in
Every hour, on the hour
I think of you and
All that we are building together
In the midst of
Screaming children
The barking dog
Spilling milk
And I think to myself
These dents are adding up in
The way that hugging you
Tightly in our kitchen
(amidst those stressful moments)
Adds up to a something that
Is bigger than both you and I
Like those times when,
Seemingly undone,
We hug,
Only to find
Ruthie climbing to join us
In a third way
This is how Grace sneaks in