Trusting God With Your Dreams – Conversion Diary
Oh, let me count the ways in which I love this post:
1. It’s about dreaming big, yet relinquishing control.
2. It’s about seizing the opportunities in front of you, yet relinquishing control.
3. It’s about finding joy in the unexpected and (say it with me) relinquishing control.
“…either I don’t really believe that God called me to do it, or I’m just not willing to truly trust and relinquish control and admit that it might not play out the exact way I wanted it to. I’ve realized recently that it’s the latter.”
Hope is precious during difficult seasons – Difficult Seasons
Jim found me first, though I can’t remember how. I think he commented on my blog. I really appreciate the theme of his blog, and the insights and encouragement it provides. For those just catching up, Bryan is currently between jobs. We’ve been here before, and I know we’ll be okay. Hope is alive, particularly in that spark that ignites our fire for each other. To me, maintaining that connection is second only to seeing the hope of Christ when traversing across the valley of an unknown future.
I’m not really the praying type, but I have faith that good things happen to good people. Given what I know about you and Bryan, you guys are going to be fine. Sending perfect job vibes your way!
Thanks, Amanda.
Thanks for the Difficult Seasons mention! If I remember, I think I found your blog originally when you wrote about losing your dog — sometimes I look at Twitter or Google blog searches for keywords to see who else is writing about grief. Blessings to you and Bryan during this time between jobs!