Moses Cooks
We met Moses several months ago – he goes to our church and we started attending the same community group as him. Our community group begins with a pot luck dinner, and he always brings a home made, baked from scratch, dessert. Not something you expect from a guy with tattooed eyebrows. He loves to cook and bake, and twitters a lot about his creations – and now he has a cooking blog for his vegetarian dishes.
Anguish – Living Palm
I’ve had a rough December, and this short post captures how I’m starting to feel about it.
Brevity – The Rabbit Room
My friend sent me this link and said, “made me think of why you say you like twitter so much.” Anything that serves as a Twitter evangelist, in my opinion, is worth linking to.
Thank you for reading and linking. May we both find Jesus in the midst of anguish. Kind of adds more meaning to “the fellowship of His suffering”, doesn’t it?