I am in Kansas today, and boy is the terrain flat here. I can see for miles.
My nephew is getting married here on Saturday, so we skipped Thanksgiving. I spent the day on an airplane while Bryan and the kids ate pizza and beer with our friend, Jack. I can’t say that I’m disappointed, though, given my frustrating weight loss issues and such. I finally started to see the scale numbers drop so I’m glad I won’t have the frustration of both loving and despising the stuffing and yams I would have likely devoured.
I didn’t know what to do with myself on the trip out here, this being the first time I’ve flown solo in at least four years. No kids climbing all over me, or screaming, or demanding more food – and the mad dash I made to my connecting flight at the Denver airport (hi Beth!) from gate 8 to gate 56 would have done me in with two kids and all their paraphernalia in tow.
But currently it’s 2am local time and rumor has it I’m being put to work at 9am tomorrow decorating a church. So I think I will try to get past this time change and get some shut eye. More from the Heartland of America later.
*These are lyrics from a song by Kansas, but you are probably too young to know this. Or at least more hip than me.
“they’ll be peace when you are done.”
no children. small price for a manicure-free existence.
Did you see that you won for “Designated Driver?”
I did too recognize those lyrics . . . so, I am dating myself.
Waving back atcha! Guess you didn’t see much of Denver as you ran from gate to gate.
Was the wedding fun?
Clearly too young and too Australian for that one.
Although my course facilitator last week was able to look around the room and say confidently “looks like we don’t have any Gen-Ys in the room”.