If BlogHer Day One was the Bad Hair Day of social networking for me, then Day Two was the Glamour Shot Day.
I met many wonderful women, had great conversation, and stretched myself as a networker. I don’t have time this morning to fully give my impressions of the day and introduce you to my new friends, as we have a breakfast date with friends and then a plane to catch.
I’ll catch you later tonight.
I’m so sorry we didn’t get to talk more. The whole weekend was CRAZY.
Hi Jen! It was great meeting and talking to you last night at dinner. Regarding your previous post about social awkwardness, I was feeling the same way. Maybe next year, I’ll get over my nerves and speak a little bit more eloquently. (Yeah, right…)
Jules – Hey, we’ll just have to keep in touch all year through our blog posts, that way next year we’ll at least know each other!