The Great Purge of 2007 did not stick. Most everything that I decluttered is back to it’s original glory, that is, CLUTTERED. A girlfriend came over for lunch yesterday, and I had to clear a path for her through the living room, then clear off the counter to make lunch, then clear of the dining table so we could eat.
We had a good laugh about it, mostly because in the humor of those moments I just decided to admit to myself that I am a Clutter Bug. I don’t pick up after myself, I don’t finish what I start, and I hate maintaining. This is not to say I’m giving in to myself; I’m just going to look at it from a different perspective.
So after she left I put a movie on for the kids and decluttered my piano, which is a major hot spot of clutter in my house – it being the only surface in the living/dining area that doesn’t need to be eaten from or have a drink set on. It’s a non-functional space, so it’s easy to drop stuff there and get it out of the way.
You are going to die laughing when you read this, but as I began to clear stuff off the piano it was cracking me up how ridiculous I am. JUST THROW IT AWAY, ALREADY!!! I know the list is tedious, but for the sake of humoring me, you should skim it over. Plus, I’ve rewarded you at the end with a picture of what it looks like now.
Here is everything I removed from the piano:
- One Costco coupon book, expiration date: October 28, 2007.
- One half made crown Ruthie started in Sunday school class.
- Two unmailed thank you notes from my birthday in September 2007.
- One construction paper turkey headband Ruthie made at preschool.
- One glasses case.
- One unmailed thank you note from Ruthie’s birthday in March 2007.
- One borrowed night gown waiting to return home.
- Three drink coasters (the fourth was cut to pieces by our resident slasher)
- One blank birthday card waiting for a birthday.
- Various thank you notes and birthday cards received that until now I haven’t been able to throw away (buh-bye).
- One invitation to a party in April 2007.
- Two sets of iPod earbuds.
- One small wedding photo album.
- One unfinished felt project from a camping trip three years ago.
- One deck of playing cards.
- One broken, homemade mosaic’d picture frame (buh-bye).
- Two framed pictures waiting to be hung.
- Four hilarious and off-color Christmas card samples from comfort-guide.com.
- One user’s guide for a bluetooth hands free speaker.
- One tube of chapstick, cap missing.
- One pen cap, red.
- One 1/2 T measuring spoon.
- One small flashlight.
- One box of inhalation medication from November 2007.
- One huge box of wipes, owner unknown.
- One purse waiting to be returned to a friend.
- One bunch of Sedum Autumn Joy flowers I thought would dry well, but really just left a mess of dried flower pieces.
- Pictures given to me by a friend… two summers ago.
- One wrapper to a spool of yarn I want to track down online.
- One “control-a-man” remote I received for my birthday.
- A wedding program from October 2007.
- One scrap notebook the kids write in.
- One book I’m waiting to review on my blog.
- One 8.5 x 11 piece of paper with one tiny phone number written on it.
- One rag that needs to be put in a box in the basement.
- One book that needs to be put away on the basement shelves.
- Scholastic book order forms from Ruthie’s preschool.
- Class pictures from Ruthie’s preschool.
- One pound puppy named Banjo.
Ha! That’s so embarrassing, but there you go. Merry Christmas.
Speaking of Christmas, Bryan was able to remove the plate rack from the wall and I hung a Christmas wreath in it’s place. It’s starting to look (and smell) like Christmas in here!
I should also probably mention that I came home from the store today to find the Sufjan Stevens Christmas box set open and disassembled on the top of the piano, as if someone had just played all four CDs and left everything sitting out. So it’s not like I’m the only nut that needs to be cracked around here.
What a hoot!! Of course YOU would be clever enough to list all your discoveries!!!
It looks beautiful!
I recently finished an assignment in my creative writing course entitled, “lists”. We are supposed to characterize someone based off of some kind of list. Wish I’d stolen this and turned it in last week! I’d have title it “Jen”, and everyone will nod their heads and say I did an excellent job, they know exactly who you are. 🙂