Book Club: Raising Your Spirited Child

For other posts on this book, click here. After taking the ‘test’ in chapter three to rate Ruthie in the spectrum of nine different personality traits, it came out just as I had suspected: she’s spirited. But just barely, as it turns out. She’s at the low end of the Spirited range. Her intensity is … Continue reading Book Club: Raising Your Spirited Child

Book: Raising Your Spirited Child

Spirited kids are the Super Ball in a room full of rubber balls. Other kids bounce three feet off the ground. Every bounce for a spirited child hits the ceiling. I started this book today. The subtitle is ‘a guide for parents whose child is *more* intense, sensitive, perceptive, persistent, and energetic.’ Sounded like the … Continue reading Book: Raising Your Spirited Child


Here’s a list of books I’ve read in the last couple years, continued from my side bar. I’m a slow reader, plus I have two kids, write, and have a host of other things taking up my time. But I do enjoy reading, and try to mix up the fiction with the non fiction a … Continue reading Books